Meeting Notes

Secretary's Report

Clinton County
Retired Teachers Association
General Meeting
March 19, 2014 Meeting,
11:45 a.m..
Wilmington Presbyterian Church

The Clinton County Retired Teacher Association met at the Wilmington Presbyterian Church on March 19, 2014. Sixty members and their guests arrived to find luncheon tables brightened by St. PatrickÕs Day shamrock bouquets.

President Judy Sargent welcomed guests Dr. Randy Overbeck, Western Ohio ORTA Vice President, and his wife Kathy. New CCRTA members Maggie Vance and Greg Atwood were also introduced. It was announced that two CCRTA members, Virgene Peterson and Shirley Katter, had received awards at the Red Cross Heroes Breakfast, held on the morning of March 19th.

Judy Sargent led the Pledge of Allegiance and Bill Pierson gave the Invocation before a delicious lunch was served by Shoelaces. Beverly Jones, Vice-President and program chairperson, introduced speaker Dr. Randy Overbeck, author of the novel No Child Left Behind. The story, described by the author as a thriller, is told from the point of view of an English teacher whose high school is being held hostage by terrorists. Dr. Overbeck's book publisher is Heroic Teacher Press, whose mission is to raise the status of teachers in the United States. Overbeck travels throughout Ohio and other areas of the United States to promote this mission by speaking about teachers who are true heroes. Among the teacher heroes Overbeck spoke of were Ron Clark, author of two bestsellers about his teaching experiences in the inner city. Clark used the proceeds from his books to build a school in Atlanta.

Jane Smith is an inner city science teacher hero who donated a kidney to her student. During a school shooting, teacher Shannon Wright died when she took two bullets while protecting her students. These are just a few examples of real-life heroes who are teachers, according to Overbeck.
As Vice President of Western Ohio Retired Teachers Association, Overbeck reminded members of the importance of supporting ORTA, a political arm and advocate for retired teachers.

Tanya Snarr spoke about the Junior Achievement program that Leadership Clinton is implementing in the third grade classes of Wilmington City Schools. CCRTA volunteers were recruited to assist in teaching the program.

Judy Sargent brought the business meeting to order. The SecretaryÕs report and the TreasurerÕs report were approved as printed in the newsletter. In the Audit Report for 2013, Fred Matthews reported that  "everything is in good order." Cindy Petrich, Community Participation co-chairperson, thanked those who had turned in volunteer hours. In 2013, CCRTA members donated 8,602 hours to the community. Beth Mitchell was the top volunteer, serving 1,300 hours.

Donna Gibson gave the Legislative Report. She noted that the STRS board members now have the authority to make changes to STRS policy as they see fit. For most members, the change in the Cost of Living Adjustment, a provision of SB 342, will begin in 2014. Members were reminded to be aware and to stay updated on pension legislation.

Hesperia Bevan reminded members to turn in any commemorative stamps to her. Kay Murphy, Necrology co-chairperson, noted that member Juanita Moyer had died. Kay Stegall, Newsletter Editor, asked members to turn in articles for the next newsletter by May 1st. Nancy Rudduck, chairperson of the Pre-Retirement committee, reported that the four Clinton County school districts had been contacted with information from the pre-retirement committee. Cathy Hadley, co-chairperson of the Scholarship Funds committee, asked members to call her if they have
donations for the June scholarship auction. The auction will have a basket theme and there will be a baked goods sale.

Beverly Sanders gave the report for the Scholarship Selection committee. Scholarship information has been sent to local school guidance counselors. The student scholarship applications are due on April 4th to Southern Ohio Educational Service Center, 3321 Airborne Road, Wilmington, Ohio 45177, Attention: Rhonda Cochran. Scholarship applications will be read on April 9th and applicants will be interviewed at Books  'N' More on April 25th.

In new business, it was noted that the ORTA Spring Statewide Leadership Conference will be held on April 8 at the Ohio History Center in Columbus. 

The free lunch drawing was won by Carol Uetrecht.

The meeting was adjourned with the next general meeting being held June 18, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,
Bobbi Hagen, Secretary
Judy Sargent, President

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